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It is hard, not being me, but being the 'me' others want me to.
Often, you get comments prescribing what YOU should do, how YOU should behave by others. Sometimes, these 'others' flare up at you, hurl insults at you for not being who THEY want you to be.
Such insults are often hidden under the veneer of 'this is what is RIGHT'. You must behave like this, because this is what THEY feel is right, not what YOU feel is right.
THEY ostracise you, often flaring at you because THEY feel that you are being insensitive to THEIR nees and THEIR beliefs.
The TRICK then, is to accuse YOU before YOU accuse them. However, being a peace loving person, 'YOU' will never accuse THEM of anything. Hence, to others, it seems that YOU are always at fault because YOU will always be accused of wrong-doings of some sort.
Have THEY ever wondered why something innocuous can be seen as something poisonous? I'll tell YOU why. Insecure bitches that they are, how can they see beyond their own needs and wants?
So next time when you meet THEM, just stand your ground. Stand up for who YOU are and DO NOT let others unilaterally make you who YOU are.

~} Moonshine

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Hate me, love me, I am me

Food, mushrooms, movies, sad sad songs, reading, The Simpsons, Star Trek, Liverpool

Anyone who judges, so I shall love everyone equally, some more equally than others.

HoHo, the Spiritual One
Xuan Wan, the Fiesty Chilli
Karina, the Dancing Queen
Tan Tan, the Sporty Heart
Christine, the Bimbo Queen =p
June Shun, the Ever Polite aka, the Thinker
Elaine, my clothing consultant
Dan, The Can Man
Stella, Lala Tralala
Yuriko, The Elegant Princess
Saeki, the Ice Lady
An Qi La, my Superior

I got the photo from a website, but sorry i forgot where...=)